Chestnut Lodge Pet Crematorium and Pet Cemetery

Chestnut Lodge Pet Crematorium and Pet Cemetery is a complete pet bereavement facility giving you the choice over the type of cremation or burial you would like for your pet.
Located near Gatwick and East Grinstead, we are here to help pet owners in London, Sussex, Surrey and further afield.

We respectfully ask you not to smoke while visiting Chestnut Lodge.

Pet Crematorium Reception and Office

Chestnut Lodge Pet Crematorium

Whether an individual or communal cremation we handle your pet with care and respect. We carry out the cremation with meticulous precision. You have the choice to witness the individual cremation of your pet and take the ashes home the same day ……. Learn More

Cat and Dog cuddled together

Your Questions Answered

See our Frequently Asked Questions about pet burial and pet cremation. If the answer is not there then just ask us and we will respond. …… Learn More

The Pet Cemetery and Pet Memorial Gardens

Chestnut Lodge Pet Cemetery

Choose a formal or green burial for your pet. You may have a plot for the ashes of your pet or choose to have them scattered over the Cemetery grounds. The ashes from communal cremations are all buried in the Pet Cemetery …….. Learn More

Plan for your pet's cremation in advance

Preparing in Advance

Register your details with us and, when the time comes, you will have the very best service available with the least fuss.
There is no obligation and you can change your mind at any time. 
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The highest standards for pet cremation and pet burial

The Highest Standards

We guarantee you receive the highest standards in pet cremation and burial services. View our 4 Golden Rules for the cremation of your pet. See how our accreditation reinforces our strict procedures.
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pet remembrance candle

See our Blog

Keep up-to-date with our Latest News about pet cremation, pet burial and what is happening at Chestnut Lodge Pet Crematorium and Pet Cemetery.
Latest : The Pet Funeral Sector – Is there humanity behind closed doors?
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Individual Pet Cremation Urns

Respectful Individual Pet Cremation

The Individual Pet Cremation service at Chestnut Lodge Pet Crematorium and Pet Cemetery is carried out to standards that are second to none.

Your pet will be handled with care and respect from beginning to end (including collection either from your home or your vet). It will be just your pet in the cremation chamber and we will meticulously sweep out all the ash after the cremation has finished. This care in preserving all the ash is carried through all the preparation. You then have the choice of how you would like the ashes presented or to have them scattered or buried at Chestnut Lodge Pet Cemetery.
You may attend the cremation if you wish and see any part of the process. We work the same way whether you are with us or not and we guarantee never to betray the trust you place in us.

See the options for your Individual Pet Cremation Service here.

Pet Cemetery Entrance

Respectful Formal and Green Burial

The Pet Cemetery was established in an area of ancient woodland in 1969. We have designed several options for you to have your pet buried within the Cemetery grounds.

You may choose a formal burial within a coffin in a plot marked by a headstone, plaque or full grave surround.

If you prefer a simpler burial then you may choose a green burial. Here your pet is wrapped in a shroud and buried in a plot marked by a shrub and a small tree stake plot marker. The green area will eventually form part of the woodland. There are formal or green plots for the burial of ashes or they may be scattered over the grounds of the Pet Cemetery.

You may visit your plot at any time. There is a small annual maintenance fee payable. This ensures the continuation of the Cemetery into the future.

See full details of the Pet Cemetery here

Communal Pet Cremation Ashes Burial Area

Respectful Communal Pet Cremation

The Communal Pet Cremation Service is a dignified alternative to the Individual Cremation. Many of you do not want to have the ashes of your pet returned and, perhaps, do not want to think about what will happen to them. The Communal Pet Cremation Service gives your pet the courtesy of careful and respectful handling and an undisturbed final resting place. This sets it apart from other services that may bear the same name.

The handling of your pet is the same as the individual service. The only difference is that pets are cremated side by side and all the ashes placed into a grave in the Pet Cemetery here at Chestnut Lodge which you are welcome to come and see.

See the full details of the Communal Pet Cremation Service here

Reviews for Chestnut Lodge Pet Crematorium and Pet Cemetery

These are some of our latest reviews. Please go to our review page to place a review or look at what other people have said about us.

The loss of an elderly and poorly pet is no easier, so I wanted something special for Max and chose Chestnut Lodge for a private cremation.

I wasn’t sure if Chestnut Lodge would serve our area, but it’s always worth contacting them.

I was expecting to receive a good service, but what we got exceeded my expectations.

The sleeping black cat casket is beautiful, the fur clipping is in a lovely card, along with a certificate of private cremation and a letter. Everything was personalised and respectfully presented when Max came home again.

Everything we could hope for following the loss of a member of the family.

Thank you for all your help with Max.

Myself and my husband,want to say a very big thankyou to you,for looking after our precious fur baby Maisy.Thankyou so much for treating her with care,and knowing she was in very safe hands at our time in grief,made it so much easier for us to bear at this very sad time.This is the fifth time of using your services,and each time we were treated with great respect thankyou.

I truly believe that Chestnut Lodge followed my exact instructions as regarded the cremation of my 14 year old cat Titbit.Her ashes were returned to my vet for collection and their kind words really helped with what was a very difficult time

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